Apply For Facebook
Ads Management

I’m your strategic traffic partner who will bring you more leads, profit and sales.

Imagine a near future where your ads attract a consistent stream of quality, new leads & sales freeing you to inspire and teach without the stress of lead generation.


Years of Online Course Experience


Happy & Satisfied Clients


Years of Facebook Ads Experience


Are We a Match To Work Together?

If you're course creator looking to grow your online business and you can relate to any of the following then my Facebook ads and funnel fixing services could be for you:

  1. You've been emailing your list about your program, but it's like crickets compared to clicks and sales.

  2. You tried running Facebook ads to sell your offer, but you felt like you were throwing money away. And you didn't know what to do to turn them around and head in the right direction.

  3. Your social media and podcast organic reach aren’t bringing in enough clients.

  4. You've spent HOURS tinkering with your ads and all that happened was sky high lead costs


If You’re Taking The Time To Apply For Facebook Ads Management

You're most likely experiencing the following difficulties that come along with growing an online course or coaching program.

  1. You have one-on-one coaching clients. But between all the Zoom calls, call prep, follow up, customer support emails and endless social media posts, you're left wondering how you could ever scale up your revenue without working 73-hour weeks … at least.

  2. People are opting into your email list BUT they don’t open your emails, or worse… they read your emails but no one buys from you.

  3. The decision to launch always comes from a place of pressure - of needing to launch because you haven’t gotten the enrollments you wanted over the past months.

  4. You don't know which levers to pull in your business to optimize your processes and increase the number of clients you get every month


If you can relate to any of the areas listed above, then it’s time to book a call.

Thought You Might Want To Hear From Some Of My Ads Management Clients

“QUĀ helped us reach our first six figure month in January of 2023.”

Judy’s online art program launches went from ~$30,000 to upwards of $90,000.

Nina Clapperton, She Knows SEO

“I started working with Kwadwo on my Facebook ads because I was tearing my hair out trying to do them myself…

The business coaching was a huge bonus. We uncovered massive issues in my messaging that were undercutting the value of my programs and targeting completely wrong pain points. Kwadwo helped me feel confident in my pricing, sort out funnels that worked both organically and via paid ads, and learn how to track it all so it doesn’t just feel like throwing spaghetti at the wall, hoping something sticks, but having no idea why it worked.

I’ve been able to use what I learned to scale my business massively and feel more confident in how it’s running. It was a pleasure to work with him and get honest feedback on things I was doing wrong, and get challenged to think about my business in a different way when he’d ask challenging questions."

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